Saturday, October 21, 2017

Why does Hillary Clinton Go Away?

Hillary Clinton recently interviewed with Britain's Channel 4, was first
asked if she still believes that Donald is a clear and present danger to
the United States and even the world & # 8221;. It confirmed this view,
citing his plans to certify the nuclear deal Iran. To raise the damaging
economic sanctions, Iran would reduce (but not eliminate) their isotope
enrichment capacity temporarily. My God, why would anyone think that's a
lame right?
More boldly, the interviewer discussed the hubbub mail server. However, he
generously omitted embarrassing details, such as driving the wrong business
very sensitive State Department on a private server lack of measures for
monitoring and Government Security. Hillary had an answer ready, beginning
that it was a stupid mistake, but a stupid scandal & # 8221;. (No real
remorse, or even decent method to action?) So His Majesty had the gall to
blame the media for the fallout. (On touch much?) In addition:
There was an investigation, which I knew would lead nowhere, she was not
going anywhere & # 8230;
Oh, is that because all data didn t want investigators to find was deleted
bleachbit? Cupcake remarks Nixon historical legacy of a little brighter.
Harvey Weinstein

Halfway in the video, he asked about Harvey Weinstein. Laying on thick
enough, the interviewer even called her a beacon of feminism & # 8221;.
(Actually, I agree, but not in praise.) It's a pretty sensitive topic, if
you pardon the expression II. Weinstein was an enthusiastic supporter
Democratic Party, heavily gift, even collections of accommodation funds.
Hillary categorically denied having heard rumors before the recent
revelations. This property is plausible. After all, Hollywood is pretty
tight-lipped about certain things. quickly switch to attack mode:
Look, we just elected someone who admitted the sexual assault to the
presidency. So there's a lot of other issues that swirl around these types
of behavior that should be taken into account.
Since Hillary continues to beat this dead horse, let s put things about
this frequently cited grab 'em by the SOUND pussy.
What Trump's remark really meant
What Donald didn t mean grabbing pussies
Trump and Billy Bush TV host were aboard a parked tour bus. A camera
neglected outside the parking lot. The two chatted idly, including some
crude remarks; the microphones were probably unaware. Arianne Zucker was to
arrive soon, and Bush has repeatedly urged Trump to make too dramatic
Then the infamous quote:
I better use Tic Tacs just in case I start to kiss her. You know I m
automatically attracted beautiful & # 8212; I just started kissing. It's
like a magnet. Just kiss. I do not even expect. And when you're a star,
they allow you to do so. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the cat. You can
do anything.
It's likely to take the first part literally; Trump had embraced some
beautiful women, very quickly, and with their will & # 8212; they allow you
to do & # 8221;. However, the rest is gross hyperbole regarding the immense
potential of this will, given the enthusiasm of women to celebrities in
general. Trump doesn t say it explicitly that, much less without anyone of
voluntary participation. This means, for celebrities, they would just as &
# 8221; instead I did it & # 8221; and certainly never involved anything
without their approval.
When Zucker arrived, Trump & # 8212; despite his appreciation of her
appearance & # 8212 stated previously, certainly did not plant a big wet on
it, much less grab his crotch. He didn t even use too dramatic greeting as
recommended. Billy suggested she kiss Donald, what she did. It is quite
disappointing. Then they entered the building and in the corridor, with
nothing more than a little unpleasant.
With friends, guys can leave everything hanging out. particularly Locker
room talk is crude, politically incorrect, often exaggerated, sometimes
juvenile, often joking around, and certainly not for public consumption.
Women also do them. In formal situations and mixed society, people usually
clean their tongue.
Several presidents are quite well known for potty-mouth moments JFK, LBJ,
Nixon and Clinton as well. However, the recording was made ten years before
Trump entered the Republican campaign. The media dig this a month before
the election was simply political Gotcha.
Is Hillary forgot something?

Election 2016 s elephant in the room was Hillary's husband Bill Clinton.
stories Arkansas State Trooper and Bimbo eruptions were known long before
the shenanigans Lewinsky. However, other allegations came out during the
investigation, for example:
In the first published account of the alleged incident, the former Clinton
campaign worker described a meeting in his hotel room where Clinton held
downward force on a bed and bit her lip while engaging in sex.
After the meeting, she said in the Friday edition of Journal, Clinton told
her not to worry because he was sterile. When she left the room, he looked
at his bruised face and, according to Juanita Broaddrick, said: "You better
put some ice on that.
Is Hillary knows? According Broaddrick s open letter:
What do you mean, Hillary? Are you referring to my silent about the attack
I had suffered at the hands of your husband just two weeks before? Do you
warning me to continue to remain silent? We both know the answer to that
I could go dig mountain covering the Clintons and their interesting links,
but we leave with this.
 Tu quoque back at you
Hillary has zero credibility and zero room to criticize
Ultimately, it's pretty hypocritical Hilldebeest hand to meet the newly
breaking stories Weinstein deflecting back on Trump's gross but
misinterpreted the statement in a private conversation in 2005.
The interview ends with the media speak softball head & raise white
supremacist # 8221;. As if the scenario immediately chastises Hillary Trump
for making anti-immigrant rhetoric and appeal to white voters.
Whatever scapegoat you wanted, whatever prejudice you held, would be
powered by Donald Trump.
Since the 1960s, Democrats have openly courted very minorities, while
increasing their block voters enormously by immigration population
replacement. That's perfectly fine, but appealing to whites is great
deplorable; double standard typical leftist. ISN time he cupcake gets over
losing the election?
Read more: President Trump creates salt Mountains Liberal butthurt

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