Monday, October 2, 2017

Can you escape from a broken society by becoming a hermit?

Many citizens feel deeply that something has gone terribly wrong with
society, but they can t pick up the pieces. Some might search it and start
exploring the depths of the rabbit hole. Those who took the red pill
apprehend how things are dysfunctional. If you just found out that most of
your countries treat people like you politicians and business leaders with
indifference at best and hostility at worst, it's an unpleasant realization.
After the red pill
The hangover is a bitch.
The question, then, is what to do about it. Opposing forces entrenched
Western civilization are great, and they want you to believe they're
invincible. Some fall into apathy and despair, I hope a temporary
condition. Other reforms are working to inform their fellow citizens, and
other constructive efforts.
Another category is struggling to digest the bitter pill red. They're well
aware of the culture war, but don t want to participate. Some might even
embrace the decline, reasoning that if the company is in the toilet, it's
easier to enjoy the ride down the tubes.
Finally, some are tempted to withdraw from society. This could involve the
lifestyle MGTOW, or even completely goes Galt & # 8221; moving mountains
and living off the grid. There's a lot to say for resilience, preparation
and unplugging of consumerism. However, prevention and gift retirement t
bring victory, and long-term aren t personally viable.
Society and Culture
C mon, Mohawk are out of style!
The past six decades have led to profound changes. This is especially the
US's coastal urban areas as flyover country & # 8221; of course. However,
it's becoming difficult to find places that remains intact. For a quick
example, I was amazed when I heard a junior student tell his mother what he
learned in sex education that day. It was in rural Kentucky, there are more
than ten years.
You might not care much about public morality, or even attention asylum
literally putting their privacy in the parade. Of course, I get to live and
let live the argument. However, if you want a family (which is natural and
good), social environment affects your dating prospects, your marriage, and
your children's education. It is not insurmountable, but it needs
Otherwise, social unrest cultural Marxism affects many areas of life. It's
especially when supported by the law and other influential forces. The
company is significantly coarser than in the past. Today, celebrity antics
would have been unthinkable twenty years ago. Androgyny and other modes are
ugly fashion. The divorce rate is extremely high, such as single
parenthood, thereby exacerbating many other social ills by traumatizing
youth. The use of a biologically proper pronoun may cause a scene. Hookup
culture has changed immeasurably the social landscape. The list goes on.
Feminism and the gay agenda are the main contributors to this, supported by
the media and the judiciary. No compromise to satisfy them. They received
reasonable accommodations for a long time, but were moving the goal posts.
Whenever the company sells, it is always something else. They get almost
anything they finally ask. If this remains unchecked, they'll continue to
Can you escape to another country? If Eastern Europe & # 8212; and even
Latin America & # 8212; begin to show these trends, as the company is safe?
The remote areas of the Third World could change little during your life,
but the desert or the jungle isn t for everyone.
encroaching tyranny
Your phone calls emails, web traffic, etc. are recorded in the Utah Data
The long arm of the law has a range altogether. (About this cabin mountain
you built with your own hands, you have received an inspection of building
permits and code, didn? T you) Even if you're doing your best to obey the
law, you're probably guilty of something. Legislative bloating is nothing
The more laws, the less justice.
& # 8212; Cicero
The most corrupt state, the more numerous the laws.
& # 8212; Tacit
Sounds familiar?
former law codes of Hammurabi to the Anglo-Saxon kings were quite concise
and easy to understand. Today even qualified lawyers sometimes have
difficulty wading in legalese, and they are investigating the bank and
arguing in court about what it really means. The (Obamacare Act) ACA is 906
pages. The IRS code does the Talmud seems as reading light. You can fill
several libraries with all laws applicable to you. Some call this progress.
Usually, the worst thing that an honest citizen should be concerned about
is an agent of the overzealous traffic. However, the keyword is & # 8221
usually;. If a bureaucrat doesn t like you prepare in interesting times. If
the police are involved, things can get much worse, and very quickly. Our
article What to do when Show Up cops as it is received much criticism, but
really, the author was told. Otherwise, tunnel vision is real pursuit.
Ruby Ridge was a worst case scenario. The short version is that the
government didn t like Randy Weaver's policy and tried to recruit him as an
informant against others like him. When he didn t play ball, they put in
place. Then they conducted a raid on his family's cabin in the mountains,
causing several deaths. In a memo, an FBI agent later noted candidly Charge
against Weaver is Bull Shit & # 8221.
In the United States, the monitoring status is out of control,
unaccountable and unconstitutional. It won t go by itself. It is not very
different in several other major countries, and everyone sharing
information. Maybe your life is an open book and you have nothing to hide,
but that doesn t mean you shouldn t care about Big Brother take a look
inside your kimono. If you stayed awake during the civics, you may remember
something about due process and the likely cause.
Thus, the domestic spying apparatus that did Comrade Brezhnev weep with
envy, is already in place. The problem with soft despotism is that
unscrupulous politicians may turn it into hardcore despotism quickly.
Suppose a major crisis happened (spontaneous or manufactured) and the
Congress suspended habeas corpus. Then, dissidents and suspected dissidents
could be arrested arbitrarily and indefinitely way. As for Europe, some
governments already continue zealously politically incorrect speech and
criticism of immigration, while turning their eyes to the criminality of
Some will say, Surely this can t happen here, not our government & #
8221 !; Is it still our government? Until we get an effective reform of
campaign financing, the main globalists donors will dictate in the
political machinery. The DNC leaks and similar revelations provided a rare
glimpse at how dirty sausage production gets.
Thus, party leaders have great influence who gets the nomination. In
addition, George Wallace observation from 1966 is not a dime's worth of
difference between Republicans and Democrats isn t too far off the mark.
However, the electorate chooses between the finalists. However, the
electorate itself is changing. It's design.
Demographic changes
Rocket scientists and biotech engineers sneaking across the border
Unless decisive changes are made quickly, the US white population falls
below 50% in a few decades. (It was 90% in 1965, when Ted Kennedy sold in
America.) Similarly, several countries in Europe will soon follow. In this
case, the former majority people lose control of their destiny. Other
nations aren t to give up their living spaces; nobody asks that China
accepts unruly million migrants, or said that Nigeria is too black.
Note, the people never chose it. In any case, this was done against the
public's wishes by their so-called leaders. Politicians campaign
contributions and a good optical value more the future of their
constituents. I d have to write a book to fully explain why it happened,
who benefits, why it is already a disaster, and why nothing was done about
it. However, Peter Brimelow and Pat Buchanan have already, and they're
tough acts to follow.
Some people have told me with a straight face that they don t see why their
theft would be a problem. Here's why. Without a clear majority, a nation is
fragmented and difficult to govern by brute force. In addition, White has
been said that group preferences are bad, and they should not be proud or
solidarity. However, everyone was saying just the opposite, and that whites
have all their problems. Are they likely to embrace universalism if they
win the numerical majority?
What is the future? South Africa and Rhodesia could give some indications.
Maybe you don t see identity politics, but identity politics sees you. That
is why we should care.
Non-whites have a lot to lose too. Today, ethnic wars will only get worse
with disunity and overpopulation. Moreover, politically correct history
aside, Whites have a capacity to operate stable and prosperous societies.
Finally, if Western civilization falls, its big engine of creativity will
The answer

Rather than withdraw from the world, we must engage. Escaping suburbs didn
t help in the long term, and escape to the hills won t be. We must inform
our fellow citizens who are still in the dark. Above I have listed several
problems that need fixing, including the public lack of sufficient
awareness outlet. Consider as action items.
Once united, we can demand accountability from our politicians. Either they
fix their disorder, or lose their jobs.
Read more: The culture of war turns into a hot war

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