Wednesday, October 11, 2017

How most relationships end

People ask me when I & # 8216; took the red pill (much as I do not like
this sentence). Was it when my girlfriend of five years cheated on me with
two guys restaurant where she worked? Is it when my mother divorced my
father for another man after twenty years of marriage? Or was it when I'm
deep in the game in London and saw firsthand how women (and men) behave
when they think no one is looking?
While many throughout my life experiences that have eroded what you might
call a & # 8216; Disneyfied view of relations, the point where I really got
the fact that all was not as it seemed was when I became aware that
relationships always seem to deteriorate in the same way.

Clarissa was a nurse, a hot little thing with long blond hair, a pretty
face and ripe melons for breasts. I met her at the club where I was
working. I don t have a game at all at the time. I got lucky with it,
really. I dressed differently than the other guys, and (because of overdose
of antidepressant medication at the time), I was a bit presumptuous. She
liked that.
Thus began a mini-affair six months. First, I might as well have been
reborn Jesus. She literally worshiped. It was as if I could not do anything
wrong. Sex was passionate and after it to time my hair as we fell asleep in
the arms of others.
Then, after about a month, I made my first big mistake that moved with it.
Well, to be honest i n t strictly & # 8216; move & # 8217; since I still
had my place, a room in a shared house elsewhere, but for all practical
purposes, Clarissa and I shacked up together. I sleep with her home every
night, and slowly, over time, I began to move more and more of my business.
In my defense, I must emphasize that it was at his request. I am naive, but
even then I was aware of what is actually a mainstream meme still & # 8212;
you shouldn t start cohabitating too soon after you meet. But Clarissa was
adamant. & # 8216; I want you here with me & # 8217. & # 8216; I can t bear
to be apart from you & # 8217. & # 8216; Don? T you want to be with me all
the time too
It was impossible to resist the pleas of a woman who looked quite fallen in
love with me. But after a few months things began to change. At first, the
changes were barely noticeable. Later, they became a maelstrom.
First, sex has become less frequent. After a while, he died almost exactly.
With it, I also witnessed the disappearance of Clarissa's former gentle
nature. So once I could do no wrong, now she nag me about stupid things.
To try to appease, I took more and more of the housework, but nothing was
ever enough. Now, it has become increasingly illogical arguments. Suddenly,
I was blamed for everything in his life, even things like happiness at
work, which has nothing to do with me. If only you were more like that, she
would say. then things would be different & # 8221.
It wasn t long before we separate. She went out with friends one night and
& # 8212; I think & # 8212; was on with another guy. It was just before
Christmas, and for goodwill season (for everyone) it unceremoniously threw
me out of his apartment.
Devastated, I crawled to the cold, lifeless that I had vacated for her
there are only a few months and began to drink my way up to the new year.
She could have abandoned me, but whiskey will not let me down.
Of course I'm incredibly green at that time, not game-savvy at all. In
fact, you can take this article, print it and pin it on the wall as an
instruction guide for not in a relationship. Yet even that I am more
clued-up in my relationships with women, I have observed this trend will
repeat over and over again.
As I became more & # 8216; alpha and depending on the result, and I began
to feel more sexual abundance, the trend has slowed somewhat. Maybe I would
spend more in the & # 8216; & # 8217 pink cloud; first steps with a girl
before things sour. But even turn my most successful relationships, I
continued to observe the same overall arc, essentially a reversal of & #
8216; hero's journey & # 8217;. At first, I was the hero. In the end, I'm a
loser that she wouldn t deign to cast a single coin to a beggar I were in
the gutter at his feet.
As a young man, he was very easy to blame me, and indeed, with the
principles of the game in practice (including independence results,
screening, abundance mentality, dreads game jealousy plotlines, rotation of
the plate and a willingness to walk), I have largely mitigated the negative
effects of this cycle in more recent times.
But with the rise of the Internet has come the opportunity for thousands of
people to anonymously share their experiences of relationship between them.
And as I began to delve into the past, I realized that I was far from alone.

The book that really connected all the dots for me was female psychology
practice (for the practical man) by Joseph W. South Clare and David Franco.
In it, the authors describe in detail what they call the & # 8216;
betaization process where the women by their innate need for security,
effectively domesticated cucks men do.
Ironically, rather than make these women more favorable to their men, it
actually kills sexual desire for them (and any conditions that accompanies
is a terrible paradox. While men and women seeking safety and warmth
perceived a committed relationship brings in drawing ever closer that we
sacrifice another that sexual spark that made such a viable privacy first.
That's why so many marriages fail. People get bored. The men who consent to
too many of their wives and # 8217; Requests eventually emasculated and
unattractive to them. Women want that initial spark back, but they can t
get to the man in the kitchen with the apron, so they have to go elsewhere.
We see this sad story played every day, millions, probably billions of
times throughout the world.
You might say Oh, but I m ​​alpha. I'll play my wife and none of this will
happen to me & # 8221. Well, good luck with that. You'll make up perhaps
the worst effects of betaization a little longer than average frustrated
chump, but there is a deadly fate for the cycle.
Because remember, once you've put that ring on her finger, once you've
moved in together, you have already conceded to it. Already playing within
its framework. Learn the game and proceed with caution.
For a compilation of the last four years all the best writing of the game
Troy, tips and techniques to buy his new book How To Get Hot Girls in bed
Read more: Why Such A Day Game Grind?

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