Thursday, October 19, 2017

Guillaume Faye is one of the few writers Right Wing Worth Reading

While there are many interesting writers that are related to the right & #
8211; Oswald Spengler, Vilfredo Pareto, Carl Schmitt and Julius Evola to
name a few & # 8211; many of them have lived there for decades. Their
contemporaries are mostly academic types and some of them not even
particularly right.
An exception, however, is the thinker of the New Right (New Right) French,
Guillaume Faye, known for his writings have been translated into English
Archeofuturism, Why We Fight, and the convergence of disasters, with the
help of home transnational edition Arktos Media. Also his last book, A
World Coup (2017), the relations between Europe and America, is sound.
There are a number of points to criticize Faye as his penchant for
bioengineering and it melts a bit inconveniently his argument on Samuel
Huntington's book The Clash of Civilizations. However, the strengths are
Why We Fight I consider as his most important book. It was originally
written in 2001 and show how Faye was correct and that his ideas overlap in
large part neomasculinity and general male thinking program. Since the book
is structured in large part as a dictionary which includes several
keywords, I chose some of them and quoted Faye. All are relevant to a broad
male audience.
1. Aesethetics
contemporary egalitarian ideology abhors domonises implicitly aesthetics.
(& # 8230;) With the visual arts, architecture, film, literature, theater,
even fashionable, ugly, unfinished, the shapeless, the most absurd fetched,
shadow and the watered are now preferred to aesthetics, which is made
synonymous with a threatening & # 8216; order & # 8217;. Since the
mid-twentieth century, contemporary art, encouraged by the dominant
ideology, rejected any notion of aesthetics. Instead of harmony, power
forms, exaltation and elevation of the feeling of beauty & # 8211; abstract
notions of & # 8216; conceptual art are preferred, which becomes a pretext
to degeneration, voluntary ugly, and subsidied incompetence.

2. consumerism
Consumerism is a form of slavery, which the mass of men of our civilization
succumbed, these mass men who are neither citizens nor the actors or
individuals responsible, but beings domesticated rather passive.

3. emasculation
Values ​​down courage and virility for many feminists, Xenophile,
homophilic and humanitarian values. (& # 8230;) In any case, the concept of
& # 8216; & # 8217 virility; be confused with & # 8216; & # 8217 machismo;
or stupid demand for a kind of & # 8216; male social privilege & # 8217;.

5. domestication
Its symptoms are innumerable sensitivity ideological conditioning,
dependence on the consumerist ways of life, the loss of independent
judgment regarding propaganda and guilt, the banishment of all spirituality
(replaced by the gnosis media), etc.

6. Elite
contemporary elites are & # 8216; recruited & # 8217; based on criteria
that have nothing to do with excellence or character. These criteria are
now nepotism, connection, association with a lobby, a clique, a mafia clan
(sociological or ethnic); or the ability to make money.

7. homophilia
After long sought recognition as a marginal social element, the homosexual
lobby now requires a kind of superiority, with heterosexuality treated as
something inferior or mutilated. First equal rights and privileges.

8. Human rights
As a synthesis of political philosophy (often misunderstood) Eighteenth
century, human rights is the essential horizon of the dominant ideology. (&
# 8230;) deeply hypocritical, the ideology of human rights of all forms
welcomes social misery and justifies all forms of oppression. It works as a
true secular religion. The & # 8216; & # 8217 human; in human rights is
nothing but an abstraction, a consumer customer, atom. (& # 8230;) & #
8216; Humans & # 8217; (Already a vague notion) have no fixed or universal
rights, only those bequethed by their civilization, their tradition.

10. populism
This pejorative word now must be positive. The current version populism
actually expresses a secret contempt for genuine democracy. As the
anti-demagogic corollary, anti-populism is the semantic cunning politicians
and bourgeois intellectuals and # 8211; to divert the people's will,
especially that of the lower social classes, considered dangerous because
they are the nationalists.

11. presentism
Presentism fosters contempt for the survival of a people s. It is a
consequence of a narcissistic individualism and bourgeois spirit. (& #
8230;) is Presentism child asks for everything right now & # 8230;

as a conclusion
As demonstrated above, Faye is a simple writer who highlights the important
aspects of our Western societies today and how we can try to fix some of
them. While many of his works are worth reading in their entirety, these
eleven aspects underline some of the fundamental ideas that are
particularly important.
For William Adams equipment, visit their website the syncretic policy.
Read more: Why Beauty is not as Subjective Stress As Feminists

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