Monday, October 9, 2017

How West Mundialist Created radical Islam

For decades, the West has been plagued by radical Islamist terrorism. Since
the bombing of the US embassy in Lebanon in 1983, the latest attack Charlie
Hebdo shooting Orlando Night Club and Manchester Arena Bombing, there is no
question of a link between radical Islam and terrorism. Is this a problem
inherent to Islam, or is it a more recent development with a discreet cause?
Chronology of radical Islamist terrorism

The Wikipedia article on Islamic terrorist attacks enumerates the first
example that the seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979, followed by
a sprinkling of attacks through the 1980s During the 1990s, the intensity
Islamic terrorist attacks takes, eventually becoming commonplace by the
The website "Religion of Peace" has a comprehensive archive dating back to
2001, which shows conclusively that the Islamic terrorist activity has
significantly increased in recent years. Islam has been around for
centuries, including many wars against the Western Crusaders, and there
were isolated acts of terrorism sometimes. terrorism and intense of its
kind against the West is clearly a new phenomenon. What caused?
The Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was founded in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna.
Brothers was a Sunni Islamist, pro-sharia movement that also opposed to
Western imperialism. Their anti-imperialist position leads them to oppose
British involvement in Egypt, as well as calling for jihad against the
Zionist Jews in the Arab revolt in Palestine that lasted from 1936 to 1939.
The British Empire realized that the Brotherhood was a threat to their
domination of Egypt, they decided to co-opt the movement for their own
purposes. British officials met with the direction of the movement in 1941,
and in 1942, they provided funding to the group. Management often met with
British spies Brothers, who provided information to the group (and
occasional misinformation) and support their efforts.
For the next decades, the Brothers acted as conservative counterweight to
Islamist populist, secular movements that emerged. They supported a
military coup in 1952, were involved in the killings, and themselves were
subject to killings, violence and infiltration. The Muslim Brotherhood
spread slowly to other countries in the region, and work as a way to
maintain a strategy of tension in the region (the secular nationalists
against the traditional Islamic) that caused people to ignore the influence
of Western intelligence on their nations. Radicalization is seen as the
price to pay to maintain the Western hegemony.
Zbigniew Brzezinski and the mujahideen

In 1978, the Communists under the leadership of Nur Muhammad Taraki took
over the government of Afghanistan. Shortly after, they signed a friendship
treaty with the Soviet Union implemented a secular education and the
redistribution of land, and began widespread political oppression and
murder of opponents, including pious Muslims. The religious factions led by
Hafizullah Amin formed a militia called the mujahedeen and Taraki overthrew
the government. In response, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and installed
a friendly government in Moscow.
national security adviser to Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski saw this as
an opportunity to give the Soviets their own Vietnam quagmire and agitated
intervention. The United States began offering non-lethal aid to mujahideen
rebels by the CIA. Under Reagan, the cascade tens of millions of dollars a
year in aid to the mujahideen, small arms, including Stinger anti-aircraft
missiles tactically decisive, training and intelligence. The ally of
Pakistan Mujahideen was a recipient of aid even more important, with about
$ 20 billion sent to Pakistan during the war.

After a terrible war for 10 years and the widespread destruction of
Afghanistan, the Soviets withdrew. The Mujahideen have succeeded, but the
damage was already done. In addition to arming and training the rebels, the
West had actively encouraged radicalism, seeing it as a way to unite the
people against the Soviets without God. British Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher spoke of the Mujahideen in 1981, saying, "The heart of the free
world are with you. "In an infamous video Zbigniew Brzezinski said
mujahideen" Your cause is just, and God is on your side. "
These Muslims then radicalized and found supporting terrorist groups like
Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, al Shabaab, and many others. Once the ideology
and tactics of radical Islam were created and encouraged, as a wildfire
spread around the world, with dozens of these groups that currently exist.
There are valid arguments that Islam itself encourages this behavior of
approving Jihad and dishonesty to non-Muslims, but history shows that the
relatively high prevalence of radical Islam is a phenomenon recent. During
the Islamic Golden Age, Muslims lived peacefully with other religions, and
their cities were centers of science and progress.
While the Islamic Crusaders under Saladin were warriors with a code of
honor, modern Islamic terrorists are cowards who target women and children,
convinced that God requires them to kill all infidels. There are a hundred
years, most Muslim countries were more tolerant than they are today,
terrorism is a tactic rarely used.

The British have been operating a world empire, globalist for centuries.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is also a famous internationalist, who wrote a book in
1997 describing the world as a Grand Chessboard, describing its strategy to
manipulate nations like chess pieces to maintain the hegemony of Western
power. In a 1998 interview, he expressed no regrets create radical Islam.
In fact, he boasted about it:
A: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the
effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to
regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote
to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving the USSR its
Vietnam War. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war
unsupportable by the government, a conflict that resulted in the
demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.
Q: And you do not regret having supported Islamic the [fundamentalism],
having given arms and advice to future terrorists?
Brzezinski: What is most important in world history? The Taliban or the
collapse of the Soviet empire? Some Muslim-agitated or the liberation of
Central Europe and the end of the Cold War? "
The radical Islamic terrorism is a synthetic creation of Western
intelligence. Although Islam is not without flaws, there is no doubt that
the intense terror, Islamic largely can be attributed to Western
intervention in Egypt, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Globalist matchmakers
like Brzezinski and the British Empire still do anticipate the effects of
blowback, because they do not basically come to appreciate the wisdom of
historic American concept of non-interventionism. They believe they can
play God (Allah) and not face the consequences.
Read more: The Alliance Newfound Between Feminism, Marxism and radical Islam

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