Monday, October 23, 2017

Self-Hating White Mom surprised his daughter hates being white

Globe & amp; Mail Author Tama Ward recently shared an article revealing how
his Canadian girl, aged five Abigail feels guilt and shame of being white.
At breakfast in the city of glass stood Vancouver five years, Abigail looks
glumly at his half-eaten bowl of cereal.
 What, honey & # 8221 ?; I brush strokes his face.
She lets out a big sigh. I wish I was not t & # 8221 white.
I begin. Nothing in parents prepared me for this manual.
 All we have ever done is that people hurt, she said. I want my skin was
dark and I had a culture & # 8221.
How a young child could have such an acute awareness of his race? It is not
difficult when she has a social justice mother who brainwashed him to love
anything and any non-white person.
We live in a part of town where immigrant families abound. Our neighbors
are homesick, the first generation of Mexicans, which means salsas and
pinatas and Aztec legends prominently to shared social gatherings. Our
family regularly eats in Little India where we gush about the flavors of
curry and dhal, and every February, we witness the parade of the Chinese
New Year in sloping rain. Also, my husband and I are children of
missionaries and the port of acute guilty of cultural imperialism of our
ancestors. To compensate, we have raised our children with a deep
appreciation of non-Western cultures.
So when Abigail laments the color of his white skin, a part of me is
programmed to protest. Is not my moral obligation to tell her that her
feelings of low self-esteem are nothing compared to the psychological ruin
of real racism? Girl, everything about Canadian culture weighs your
advantage and you have no right to whine!
Instead, I feel a sadness Settle on me. We thought we were raising the
enlightened children of the 21st century. We thought we were doing our part
in the straight up record high. Yet in doing so, it seems that we flew our
oldest child of something essential to psychological health, something
elemental in its welfare as a human being: cultural roots.
I don know what to say.
The mother Tama Ward
Do you really believe his & # 8221 sadness? If she was really sad, she
would try to make amends and to teach her daughter to be proud of what it
is, but it does nothing of the sort. Instead, it continues its revisionist
history program.
I consider that the spiel you-are-Canada: part of a new society of the
vitality of many cultures, etc. Yet Canada & # 8221; is precisely the
problem. What is Canada? His best friend is Canadian and Mexican. His
cousin, Canada and Bengali. Even our Aboriginal neighbors have a First
Nation before Canada. To play the Canadian card will still cultural
neutered when it's are in search of deeper roots than its soil for a people
and place.
The truth is that his article is a way to compete with other liberal moms:
See how my daughter hates Whitey? Your daughter is more likely to be racist
than mine & # 8221 !; It's nothing emotional abuse for the child, and I m
that Canadian psychologists salivating at the idea of ​​treating the
intense identity issues Abigail and her peers will certainly have when they
get older, as Leonard D Neubache of forum emphasizes on:
It's actually quite sad imagine what it's like for that kid.
Mom hates whites.
I m white.
Mom hates me.
 I wish I was not white t & # 8221; is the child saying, I wish I was
someone you could really love & # 8221.
Another way that the self-hating mothers harm their child is taking them
directly to transsexuals to disrupt the reading events called Drag Queen
Storytime. An event featured a transsexual dressed as Baphomet, popular
symbol among the satanic worshipers.
liberal moms in the back, enjoying the show while drinking Starbucks
This child will not grow up healthy
Parents who bring their children to this phenomenon should get a visit from
social services
If you're a transsexual pedophile happens to read this article right now,
Drag Queen Story time is a great program for you to be in direct contact
with potential victims. I have no doubt that we will soon see cases where
parents condone their children's indecent to stigmatize pedophilia, which
is actively standardized. We also can not forget to mention mothers
subjecting their children, usually son, a hormonal treatment for sex
change, more and more their risk of suicide.
With single motherhood on the rise, we can see no limit to what the liberal
mothers subject their children to tell the world that they are the social
justice of the most virtuous warrior on the block. It is a pity that they
ruin the lives of defenseless human lives in the process.
Read more: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's daughter is sad victim of
Catastrophic Liberal Parenting

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