Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How sexual inquisition against men started

The British press raised a slughorne to manosphere:
Why so many false rape charges come to court?
A good explanation requires us to butcher the most sacred among the sacred
cows: the sexual liberation of women.
The & # 8216; Respectable Slut & # 8217; Paradox
As an ecological event, the sexual revolution is unprecedented. Quick
credit, contraception and computer networks have made the Western girls
completely free access and without commitment on the sexual market. The & #
8216; customer is always right dynamic means that anyone who opposes a girl
or questions the judgment when it is in its first marriageable is treated
with contempt, so that all the West itself has gaslighted assuming that
female sexual whim is infallible.
Women have stolen the nature mandate for a 1: 1 relationship between sex
and commitment, and men marry now that they need when they can get more men
they want.
Feminist wedding tips
But women's quest to play God can only work as long as men are willing to
submit to their women zoning in sheep of & # 8216; sexy bad-boy material
and & # 8216; stable material husband, overlooking the retro-active
cuckoldry that threatens their future marriages. Today, while men choose
increasingly outside marriage, feminism attempts to protect women who have
invested their bodies in the agreement still doubling down hard on that
shift responsibility reasons for their sexual behavior to men.
& # 8216; Men only think of one thing & # 8230; Girls must be careful if
these days & # 8217 !;
Application of sexual command economy
The company puts its surreptitiously the gold standard of female agreements
with rectitude, clichés and PocketBook pathologies that describe an
overwhelming wrongness male majority. Is the range of & # 8216; Autism
exist before the attempt was made to frame empathy as more correct than
rationality? -What the & # 8216 Madonna Whore complex exist before the men
were supposed to comply with their female sexual categorization? Is
party-girls reject stable men & # 8216; Fresh & # 8217; or & # 8216; goose
bumps 20 and murmur of & # 8216; homosexuality closet or & # 8216; fear of
women when they refused to marry and 30? Can a woman creep still exist?
Type "narcissistic" in a Google image search. Are you facing commercials
for treatment centers and help, or with a large number of memes easy access
Vindication for single mothers and women jilted? These ideas much tell us
about those who apply them casually than those to which they are applied.
None of these waste existed before that women should have their cake and
eat it (remember that & # 8211; nor did accept the fat).
Thus, man is chivvied respect for the emancipation of nature that the woman
initially sought for itself & # 8211; and men are complicit in this every
time they & # 8216; make an honest woman a slut or project shame to their
brother with the & # 8216; you can guess t & # to send 8217; rhetoric.
Adam, the first white knight, refused to put his foot down with a
rebellious wife. Nothing has changed in the basic model of the male from
Female Power
Where culture goes, follows the law. The crime of insubordination male to
female fantasy is not on the books of the law, but we know that there are
just as we can find an invisible celestial object exists by the movement of
other celestial objects around she. He's an ex-husband, lover, or someone
she saw on the street, a man who fails to strengthen the right time and
engage the privacy or resources to the value of a woman attributes to his
own sexual intimacy can now be prosecuted under other criminal and civil
charges are defined in the law.
Joseph rejected advances Potiphar's wife. She accused him of rape.
The only problematic challenge is how to use a law that has technically not
been broken to convict for a crime that does not technically exist.
The Service cathartic prosecution
It is impossible to say whether the rapes are more false accusations (not
specific to a false accusation crime exists in the UK), but by redefining
rape in the broadest possible terms and false accusation in the narrower ,
feminism has developed a theory of rape culture.
Like all good conspiracy theories, the fact that almost no survivors
hashtags, self victims identified in the investigation of anonymous campus
colleges, and style demands #metoo actually come to court is seen as
further evidence of the depth society the problem.
The Twitter rape victims trust more than they trust the police! & # 8211;
feminist queef
No & # 8211; Twitter liars trust more than they trust the police.

But incantations survivors present too good an opportunity for the Crown
Prosecution Service and openly politicized move, the year up over the year,
a fifth staggering their business are now based on allegations of sexual
abuse. Not a week goes by without another man being paraded in the press
for a treacherous accusation and even acquitted in court, his negative
advertising remains a sentence in itself.
The genius of this is that fills inquisition feminism s secret goal scary
men with respect not by conviction but by constant public failures.
By showing that even the sickest rape fantasist may condemn a man without
trial to show a result, the CPC provided women the automatic state power on
any man who disappoints.
SPC Director Alison Saunders & # 8211; good fairy to lies women
This inquisition is harmful to individuals and society, but it will
eventually defeat its own purpose in one of two ways:
1 & # 8211; The law will change to give the accused the same anonymity that
the accuser.
2 & # 8211; Slowly but surely, the failure of exposure tests will be
accusations of sexual abuse & # 8211; true or false & # 8211; laughable as
the British public as they are women who make them.
I think even the most die-hard feminists prefer the first compromise their
state power & # 8211; although I'll let the sales figures for Fifty Shades
of Gray and rape fantasies Jemma Beale alone a woman can lobby for the
However, until it is completed, a straight man must be ready to turn his
back on all the pantomime of British justice.
Judge your cause
I m quite handsome and rich man in my late twenties. I doubt that I met my
wife again and, as I don t believe in free love, I sometimes turns me down
sexual advances not wife material increasingly desperate. Dare to push
women like this is like playing the push of coins in a fairground. Finally,
we tipped over the edge and escalated a series of false accusations against
me in four years and # 8211; mostly online, I had no problem with & # 8211;
but lately also in the courts. His pretensions increasingly unbalanced sex
abuse (as I held hands with her), could lead to the R-bomb and a subsequent
trial that would serve his criminal purpose, and feminism's social purpose.
I did not intend to become another of Britain's broken souls trying to
rebuild his life together after a judicial Pyrrhic victory. I did not
trapping equipment in the West and a foot-to-earth in a non-aligned so as
dissident in a revolutionary society, my bags are in the hallway.
Moving CPS.
A chaos of earth is better than a land of tyranny that is ordered against
Read more: Feminist Try to demystify the false data False rape culture

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