Saturday, October 14, 2017

How to train for a marathon

Running a marathon is an extreme test of will, discipline, mental strength
and endurance of the course. Completing a race of this length has prompted
people to train for months to accomplish this feat. Not only running an
intense marathon, but training is absolutely exhausting. Expect to spend
months training several times a week, for many miles.

The Right Mindset
You already know that running a marathon requires a lot of training. While
most people are discharged, thinking they can do so many people quit after
just a short training section. Which give?
For many people, they just don t have the will of the spirit to fight
against marathon training. One of the main reasons is that they lack a
purpose. Before you run a marathon, you need to decide why. Because & #
8217; having fun won t cut it. When you go through the training you will
realize that running a marathon isn t all fun and games.
Your reason to run a marathon should be because it's something that you're
passionate about. Or because you find it a challenge & # 8212; something
you will not be able to pass up.
While it would be nice to have a marathon training program the punch, which
just won t work. People are just too different in their endurance,
experience and time available for training. Therefore, you have to adjust
your training based on variable factors that determine your ability to run.
However, we will do our best to use some guidelines that all riders must
implement in their training programs.
To start

A good technique is to run a marathon to choose the date in advance. Choose
the race at least six months in advance, if not more & # 8212; some suggest
that novice runners start a year before. This gives you the opportunity to
write on your calendar so you do not have excuses for not planning properly.
Although all marathons are the same length, they all have unique aspects.
Some are at the heart of a city, while others are in rural areas. Keep this
in mind when signing for your race. Also, it's better to stick to a
marathon s close to home. This allows you to properly prep for the race,
and a good night's rest and meals without worrying about travel.
When starting, it's important to know your limits. This will be based on
your experience running before. If you have not, then start down because
it's no reason to push. This can t be underestimated. The amount of the
race, in terms of frequency and distance, is much more intense than jogging
casual neighborhood. The injuries that usually occur marathon training
occur because mileage was built too quickly. Your body can acclimate to new
forms of stress, but it takes time to do so.
Familiarize yourself running at a distance of 20-30 miles per week (3-5 per
day, 5-6x per week) before testing the waters more. A good way to practice
is by signing up for shorter races, like 5k's, 10k's and possibly
half-marathons. This not only helps you train properly, but it will give
you the opportunity to prepare for specific race dates at rest for the
race, and recovering it.
Structure formation
It s important to break the building blocks of a marathon so that you can
integrate into your training. There are several factors involved:
Mileage base
This is perhaps the & # 8216; key ingredient to running a marathon. It's
what allows you to build over time to reach the point where you can run a
full 26.2 miles.
Again, 20-30 miles is a good starting point. However, the long-term goal
should be at least 50 miles. This can be broken down into 3-5 sets per
week. Any less is not enough, and too much.
The intensity of these tests must be reasonably moderate. This is because
you're not trying to get folders with your training, but instead of trying
to build your body to be able to treat certain distances.
Then s you start to 20 miles per week, but you want to work up to 50. You
will need to find a way to remotely add each week, but not surprising as
you train.
A good rule of thumb is to add 5-10% per week in the distance. Then s you
start to 20 miles per week. You can then add 1-2 miles in your training can
be divided into different sessions.
long runs
Most of your training sessions should be at a much shorter distance than
you would run in the marathon, especially when building up. However, it's
important to take long walks every week or to help your body adapt more
quickly to longer distances.
It's best to take it easy on these tracks. Moving at a fast pace,
especially at first, to strengthen the confidence to make these long
A good rule of thumb for this type of racing is to move up to a mile a
week. Start a distance you feel comfortable and move up. You also want to
redial every 3-4 weeks, cut by a few miles, to jump back to where you were
For example, you 7 and 8 to 9 to 6 to 10. See how it works? Adjust for your
skill level.
The only way to grow is to recover! You should plan regular rest days and
periods of reduced activity for sufficient recovery.
If you're one of those people who can t sit around without doing anything,
and then do another form of exercise: yoga, strength training, swimming, or
stretching. Just avoid high-impact exercise like running.
And when the marathon date approaches, you're having to gradually decrease
your workouts. This means that you should reduce a little in terms of
distance and intensity to let your body heal for the big day.

Again, the mental block to a marathon training can be tough. Make sure you
have a good reason to run. Also, you can always hire a friend to run with
you. This will certainly keep you motivated to achieve your races.
Read more: How to train your body for Versus Endurance strength

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