Thursday, September 7, 2017

The dangers of casual sex

Our current society is too sexed, without a shadow of a doubt. Don? T
misunderstand me, I'm not immune either. I've just come to understand a lot
of the problem and mass epidemic of garish sexuality that afflicts the West
right now, and that's absolutely affects everyone.
Everything today is overtly sexual in nature, from advertising to music
videos to the girls so dress in public, to the images they post themselves
on Instagram, which are also pornographic junk and borderline soft- core as
it gets these days. Boy, the lengths you go Vee today to draw attention.
Conspicuous, he ain?
Porn itself became harder edged than ever, with revenge pornography, all
kinds of fetish porn, and impassive whore take the stage. Many of them
might be exciting, but hell, it ain t s same sex. It is an aberration of
sex and n t take a psychologist to understand that it has nothing to do
with love or sex initial objective, which I'll get into in a minute.

Because of this rampant today overt sexuality, our dopamine stores are
cruelly tortured and run on damn near empty. We have problems to get off,
as a society.
Yet everyone wants sex. All the time, apparently, if you can deduce
anything from people talking and online behavior. It's almost manic in
nature, how we glorify sex. Of course, the dressing of the window promises
you anything but the sad reality that lies beneath all this crap and s time
we woke up and smelled the burning home.
Is superimposed the image of sexuality these days, the dynamic and abundant
research. It seems everyone's getting a piece of the action. The reality,
however, Couldn t be further from the truth.
Starving Sex At The Buffet
Along this more influx of sexuality takes over as the plague, relationships
languish far from the lack of privacy and nil sex between real couples.
This has been well documented across the board in recent years by all
family counselors to sex therapists to psychologists. Statistically, it is
shown in study after study, that couples have less sex than every before
For men, pornography has largely taken over their imagination, blunt blade
libidinous considerably and sabotaging their dopamine tanks, which are
essential (and rationed) as a trigger for sexual stimulation response. As a
side note, this is probably the reason why the frequency of sex outside
shaken two or three times a week for married most couples, but that amount
typically doesn t pose a problem for those in long-term relationships .
Of course, cell phones, tablets, laptops and iPads play a huge role in this
emotional detachment mentioned above, which sees both parties in the
relationship being mentally swept into other realities and brain
unnecessary disorder in the form of entertainment and inept facetious News
that are forgotten as quickly as they are ingested. People are too engaged
mentally with what may well be regarded as white noise (which for those of
you who are too young to know, was the white screen static fuzz old school
television sets when the DIDN t show channel) and everyone pays a huge
price for it. Yet the majority are so numbed by their technological drug
choice, they don t even recognize & # 8212; or are willing to accept & #
8212; this reality quite tripe things are really well these days.

And if we reach the area of ​​casual sex, which seems to be the kind of
real sex in the market today the most wanted. flings easy, no attachments.
Getting ask is the top priority, superceding all else. Superficiality
umpteenth time to the degree and the age of the tinder. Just quick, because
the real attachment is too scary and requires too much work. We want easy
these fixed days.
Since everyone wants to get fucked, what's so wrong with casual sex then?
Let's break it down.
The law of diminishing returns
First, the evidence is already in the pudding: nothing more glue. You don t
have to look further than the writing on the wall. Stick a piece of tape
enough times over an area of ​​your choice, pull, repeat this process until
the adhesive wears off and all you have left is a useless piece of tape
used, ready to To be replaced. And yes, the statistics show that there are
more broken marriages, fleeting romances, single parents and single
disenchanted today that at any time prior registration. This is already a
social epidemic.
The arguments to get into a serious relationship aren t there, because of
superficial values ​​that people hold these days. In this light, it not
surprising that aren t fish bait. What does it take to win? What is it to
have? If I give something (read: part of my freedom to be with you), what
do I gain (read: how will you contribute to better my life)?
Well, the only thing to have is quick, casual sex, after which you the hell
out of there, and believe me, this shit is aging fast. Motörhead was right
when Lemmy has occasionally sung hunting is better than the catch. Once you
pop the cork, anticipation is done. The thrill of the kill is complete.
That thrill, people, is a unique event with each new outlet.

Are there key arguments for sticking around, many men and women would be
sustainable, form healthy relationships after a casual night stands and
flings. At point blank, that's the truth.
Yet it n t happen. And it's obvious why: neither side bothered to invest
their time to see if there is something the value of value as initially
attractive surface.
It's called a smokescreen, people. It is the icing on the cake, not the
substance below. The base might as well be dog shit and people eat anyway,
based on appearances (read: the outer core). We have become so lazy and
hedonistic damn that we might as well lie in the bed that we've made for
ourselves, but ain t the formula for happiness or contentment.
The key Father taught me
My father is a wise man and I had the chance to get a good degree of
mentoring him on the life I was growing up. As a preacher among small
immigrant communities in Canada in the 70 & # 80 to 8217, 90 years, Dad
advised many newly married or unmarried couples as part of his pastoral
work. It's something my father once told me when I was a young man, "Son,
don t get intimately involved with a woman too soon. It messes up her
emotional radar ".
What my father meant was that becoming sexually involved too soon with a
girl FOGS mind and you don t end up making calculated decisions or person
wise discernment, nor do you see them in the light of reality as they
really are. I would say that it works both ways. You do know if the other
person is able to negotiate a compromise or if they even want to do the
work that would be required of them to your point of need in a possible
relationship. You get into a Dreamworld made independent ideals and
expectations, because your emotions are running the show and the euphoria
is high.
Why is it? Because you can not touch another person more intimately than by
sex. And this act in itself, especially when it's a new clouds rational

Whether we want to admit it or not, sex is more than skin deep. It affects
the mind. Otherwise, we wouldn t be so wounded and devastated after the
break-ups. It is a 3D experience: it messes with the mind, it affects the
mind and it is a body, the physical interaction. The mind, the body, mind &
# 8212; find?
Therefore, it is simply foolhardy to become intimate with someone you
barely know. There's no basic trust, no familiarity, no depth whatsoever.
Yet you end up going to the depths of another, affecting their most
intimate inner person, without even knowing them.
Oh, I know that as a young boy webbing, many hate to hear that. The truth
is rarely practical for all of us. No excuses, guys. I only share what life
has taught me that I look back here in my mid 40 Yes, with hindsight, my
father was right. Even I could have played smarter my cards back in the
day. Yes, I had to learn these things the hard way, too.
We have been brainwashed to be slaves to our own desires, we have allowed
to run rampant and lead us. Back in the day, before the social engineering
of free love mass modern sexual enigma would have been considered madness.
Of course, people throughout the ages have been promiscuous. Yet there was
more than one thing in secret, something done under the cover of night,
something in secret (except openly loud moments like the fall of ancient
Rome and such, which led his people to fast and imminent death). Never has
it been so openly promoted and glorified as it is today.
But hey, times are changing. While inside, don t people.
Custom command Yourself A world problems
Casual sex creates problems for you. How?
Well, let's say you had the best sex of your life with some girl. Let's say
she made horny all the stuff you like. Let s your mind imploded and left
you wondering, Can it do better than & # 8221 ?;
Then, let fast forward to your break with that special girl. Things didn t
work between you two. It was headed east, while head to the west. You both
wanted different things in life. His value system was completely different
from yours, and there was no way you could have never survived consistent
pair, harmonious. Yet you had the best sex of your life with her. Guess
what, buddy?
You're going to end up languishing in wax nostalgic earth for years to
come, while hoping that the girl that you are now with will somehow find a
way to give you the kind of behavior that your ex did. Of course, this is
almost impossible, because there are so many other factors come into play.
As comedian Chris Rock famously said in one of his stand-up: "Men can not
go sexually Back" You have all the idiosyncrasies that make each person
(read: everyone is unique) and the time and you can not duplicate them.
It's like magic: it shows only once. If you are unable to grasp on it when
it's there, too bad for you. You've blown your chance. Go because it'll
only return the same way.

Living with mental burden of watching the next spawning as hot as the best
you never had any favor to you as a man. Read that line again and stop
thinking about it.
Many guys get trapped on the thrill of killing, being always after a new
lay to feel the high of conquering a woman over and over. High Dopamine
requires, so to speak, that sacrifice, as without this constant research,
life would be so much more colorless and boring. This endless cycle,
however, is devastating to man's mind and absolutely desensitizes his mind.
It's called becoming jaded. Add in some STD's and you have yourself a good
cocktail misfortune.
Of course, there is always a downside. If you don t experience and play the
field, taste flavors and indulge your curiosity, you may find yourself
haunted by the things that are not. Yet even a part of that social
engineering. We learned from our culture to be that way, wanting to ride
the carousel. It's been pounded into our heads that men want to sow their
seed as far and wide as possible and monogamy was never in the cards for
us, especially as the male of the species. Believe what you want. You will
always know the tree by the fruit it bears.
I remember reading an average article in my early 20s either Playboy or
Penthouse magazine interview five or six random women on the best sex they
ever had. One girl said that the only man she's ever been the man she
married, her husband, and she never had bad sex in his life. Wow! What a
testimony! Just think how lucky this girl was no other person to compare
her husband. She was quite happy with the man she was.
How many people today might say the same thing? How many people give
anything to be in this girl's shoes?
Oh, and one who is her husband, he must count really blessed and lucky. I'm
sure there are many men today who would give their left nut to hear the
same woman, now they are with.
Casual Sex dulls your ability to Bond
Oh, unpopular truth, livestock once more unwanted head! We would all have
been smarter guys. We would all be implemented more cautious, critical set
of eyes and common sense. Instead, we let our lust to speak and, like a dog
on a leash, our lust led the way and did the work for us too. And that we
had to blame. We let go of the reins.
Anyone remember the movie Grease (1978), with Olivia Newton-John and John
Travolta? Sociologists and others felt that this film was the turning point
in steering the American (read: Western) youth on the path eroded the moral
(read: casual sex).

In the film, Olivia Newton-John Sandy character falls hard for bad garçon
Danny, played by Travolta. To appease and please her boyfriend bad boy,
Sandy begins to smoke and to have casual sex with him, as if that one way
to hook girls and keep the men they wish to have in their lives.
This film was a huge smash hit when it was released (and remains a classic
all-time Hollywood to date), and it caused a social shift in consciousness
underlying the youth of his day. This generation has given birth to the
next generation and you can do the rest of the calculation, see where we
are in the here and now.
But, unlike in the movies, in life the bad guy and the good girl rarely, if
ever, make for a couple feasible, stable. The same goes for the stripper
and the preacher's son, a close call that I avoided by the grace of God
Almighty in the mid - 90. Indeed, a values ​​dictate who they are and how
they behave. A clash of values ​​you've ever war between them. As Simon
Sinek attributed to him: People don t buy what you sell, they buy what you
The purpose and role of sex in a relationship
Perhaps one of the least asked is: what is the real role of the natural sex
outside of procreation? Yet this question is integral and equally
important, and the answer is really very simple and exclusive.
If you break it, sex is a bonding experience between a man and a woman. It
unites the couple. It is perhaps the highest form of intimacy to have. At
the very least, it is the most tangible.

Sex is designed to bring a man and a woman together and strengthen their
relationship with each other. Take a couple who aren t have sex, and you
can see a whole series of problems arise. While it may be well argued and
since sex is a reflection of how a relationship is doing otherwise.
While sex is something you spend a considerably short amount of time
engaged in, its significance is monumental to the health of all of said
marriage love relationship or intergender. And since sex is a bonding
experience that we can not anticipate or negate it's crazy to think that to
be sexually intimate with a large number of prospects or flings would make
you more of a man, a better person, more fulfilled or stronger or better
some degree. Being a busy Cassanova doesn t make you an alpha; strength of
character did.
So first and foremost, apart from procreation, it can be seen that sex is a
bonding experience. After that, you can sprinkle in pleasure, release,
kicking, top, and what you have. But be smart: recognize the foundation and
trunk before cutting branches for your pleasure immediate staff.
Remedy Malady
Again, don t get me wrong. I'm not talking about on a high horse here. I
like a nice pair of tits and ass as much as the next guy. But, like ice
cream, just because I love doesn t mean I freely indulge. You've got to
know what it's going to cost you. Ice cream has a shitload of calories you
have to jog your ass to get rid of, if you don t want to get fat, like
fucking a hot girl by chance you encounter will cost personnel mentioned
above levels we have been here. Simply, just isn t worth it, no matter how
tantalizing prospect of casual sex is.
Your stock as a man should not be on your sex hingent validity in terms of
nailing a hot chick you want. You must know who you are as a man, and you
must know your own stock. You should not be so weak and vain, you need
another sexual conquest to validate your manhood, masculinity, male
strength or power in general.
As with everything else in life, the real value and power comes from
within. Its about who you are, knowing your true strength and respect and
develop your personal qualities, strong. Only after waking from the dream
state that you otherwise want to stay in, you will be able to understand
this, as Anthony De Mello so eloquently and downright represented in his
fantastic book awareness.
Yeah, I know this puts you between a rock and a hard place, but s life.
Choose your disk. We all need a war to win a battle to fight. Stop settle
for sloppy seconds.
And the first step to get out of this self-destructive pussy carousel
casual sex is to point you in the search for a quality girl who is his
stock, you can honestly get married and be a guard. If you aren t have a
chance to find it, start asking the right questions. Becoming seriously.
Don to waste your life. Start making the right choices now for a better
future staff.
Learn more: 7 things I provides for the obligation future mother of my child

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