Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lobby Aboriginal Australia operates white guilt promote a left-wing program

Native Aboriginal input of Australia is very influential. I use the
term "lobby" deliberately because it consists of individuals and organized
groups and many of its members are not indigenous themselves.
There are lawyers, politicians, civil servants and academics who are big on
taxes Australians working. The Aboriginal lobby exerts a remarkable
influence on the Australian political discourse, as Aboriginal people
comprise 2.8% of the Australian population.
How a lobby group that represents a small minority of the population become
so influential?

Australia's peace and prosperity means that most of us do not have many
real problems (at least by international standards), so the historical
dispossession and mistreatment of Aboriginal took a hand more important and
greater political space.
The indigenous issue is also a good distraction from problems such as
unsustainable immigration, unaffordable housing looming, increasing
national debt and an aging population.
In addition, many remote indigenous communities are really problems;
completely dysfunctional despite (or more likely because of) billions of
dollars of public spending. These communities are plagued by
multi-generational unemployment, alcoholism, violence and sexual abuse.
The fact that so many Australian Aboriginal children growing up in these
conditions is tragic, but the indigenous lobby has completely failed to
address these dysfunctional communities. Instead, he cultivated and
exploited white guilt and a negative impact on Australian society in four
key ways.
1. Attacks against freedom of expression

Unlike the United States, Australia does not have a constitutional right to
freedom of expression. Article 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act makes
it illegal for a person to "offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another
person or group" based on "race, color or origin national or ethnic. "
At least 15 cases have gone to court. Fortunately, most have failed, but
the accused have still suffered the stress and cost of hiring lawyers to
defend themselves. Australian political debate occurs in the shadow of the
law and countless people have been intimidated into silence. If the return
of Kings was released in Australia, I guarantee you he would have been
prosecuted under section 18C.
In 2011, a group of mixed-race Aboriginal & # 8221; with white ancestry for
most successfully pursued conservative commentator Andrew Bolt under
section 18C. Bolt had accused identified as Aboriginal career benefits. The
court forced him to pay court costs and issue a retraction.
In 2016, a group of white students of Technology University of Queensland
have been pursued without success for complaining on Facebook that it was
unfair that a computer room has been set aside only for Aboriginal
students. The fact that these cases never reach the courts is a shame.
2. Land Grab

In 1992, in Mabo v Queensland, the highest court of Australia
recognized "indigenous" on earth for the first time. The High Court ruled
that the right to occupation of indigenous legal ownership of land if they
had maintained a & # 8221 current connection; with land and title of origin
had not been "extinguished" by the actions of government.
In the case Mabo it was not a terrible decision, as the tribe of Eddie Mabo
had lived on their small island north of Australia for thousands of years.
However, the Mabo decision opened the floodgates and the courts have become
increasingly flexible in deciding what constitutes a permanent connection.
Currently, Aboriginal people hold native title over 36% of Australia and is
expected to grow significantly in the coming years. Much of these formerly
public land is more accessible to non-Aboriginal or is available, but only
by paying an entrance fee.
3. Affirmative action and the rise of white Aboriginals
Andrew Bolt has been successfully prosecuted under Section 18C for
insulting these white natives.
In the public service of Australia and universities, there are a lot of
affirmative action positions open only to Aboriginal people. The first
problem is that these positions are reserved for university students or
university graduates and are not, therefore, do anything to help the truly
disadvantaged indigenous people who do not finish high school.
The second problem is intertwined that it has become fashionable and good
for white Australians with only a tiny proportion of Aboriginal ancestry to
identify as indigenous and take these affirmative action scene.
Departments and universities can pat on the back to achieve their desired
quota of "indigenous" and a group of rich white kids benefit more while the
truly disadvantaged indigenous receive nothing. Every time I see a picture
of positive action group "indigenous", a large majority of the group is
always 100% white in appearance. The story of the emperor new clothes
springs to mind.

4. Encourage white guilt while taking personal responsibility zero
Cartoonist Bill Leak was attacked by the left for this so-called & # 8221
racist; cartoon criticizing careless and defend personal responsibility
The lobby always encourage Aboriginal white guilt and in search of symbolic
recognition that guilt. (Stolen Generations; the & # 8220) After more than
their mothers between 1905 and 1970 a campaign of decade, in 2007, Prime
Minister of Australia apologized on behalf of the Australian government to
take the kids Métis aboriginal.
Before the apology, Aboriginal lobby argued that once the White Australia
said "sorry" might we move forward together as one nation and fix
dysfunctional Aboriginal communities. Of course, the apology has not
reached a practical improvement for disadvantaged Aboriginal people.
Fast forward to 2017 and the Aboriginal lobby wants constitutional
recognition that they were here first, a treaty, and to change the date of
the national day of Australia.
Australia Day is being celebrated on January 26 and marks the date in 1788
that the First Fleet landed in Sydney to begin a British colony. The
Aboriginal lobby, he disparages as "Invasion Day", ignoring the fact that
rival native tribes were killing and dispossess each other for tens of
thousands of years before 1788.
Complaints and requests above are certainly annoying, but their most recent
application is potentially dangerous. This application is for an Aboriginal
parliament only elected to sit alongside the current democratic parliament.
It is not yet clear what purpose this organization or government that would
give other senior members of the indigenous lobby a soapbox funded cushy
taxpayer. At best, it would be deeply split and at worst, it could cause
constitutional crises to come if the body's powers were played.
None of these symbolic acts would do anything to help Aboriginal children
in dysfunctional communities in East Arnhem Yarrabar to Wilcannia. If there
is hope for these children, it is to encourage personal responsibility
rather than making excuses and blaming everything on the white man.
More: 5 reasons why you should not feel guilty about European Colonialism
& Nbsp;

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