Friday, September 8, 2017

6 letters sent South Korean players

Today, I answer several presentations of mailbags, the last question from a
female player from Australia.
1. Navy a military Letter
I just want to say how I am surprised to find such amazing site. I m 23 and
in the Navy and before joining, I thought I was in the army separated from
my blue pill college going generation but hasn t the case. I have five
friends who have the mindset of your website promotes and I just wanted to
say thank you for creating this site. I like to share the items with my
team and all the advice they give life.
You certainly can not judge a book by its cover. You can find the guy blue
pill everywhere. The culture ingrains us to think and behave in a certain
way, it's increasingly the default behavior of a white knight, blue pill,
globalist mindset. While part of my awakening red pill was the realization
that military force is not used to maintain public safety, but a tool of
the elite to foment foreign wars and control of people and resources at
home and abroad, there are still definitely benefits is at a personal level.
In addition to a culture of fitness, a strong work ethic and teamwork, an
advantage of the military is that despite being part of a large
bureaucracy, you are surrounded mainly by young people, idealistic men,
hopeful, energetic. It is a great opportunity for bonding of men. I had an
excellent experience in the Boy Scouts, with many parallels, I think, to
the army. Apart from military and field inspections, the spaces are
considered toxic men & # 8221.
Consider yourself lucky to have five friends that you can identify. Most of
us do that, or when our friends come around, they then beat down by
divorce, child care payments, or are just mentally broken in their meetings
with women they are too jaded to turn their lives around. Talk about things
you read here, and if they sound like true with you and your friend s of
real-world experiences, which take them to heart. I have a friend in the
Navy and his advice is to never, never, never with a girl who was in the
Navy. If you do not know why yet, soon will be.
2. [ROK] helps me grow as a man
Thank you for the recent articles on how antisocial men can become more
outgoing and how to stop worrying about what others think. I struggle in
these areas, I was looking for similar topics in these few weeks ago and
didn t find much. I am pleased to see these two pop-up recently. I love
ROK. Thank you for your content. It helps me grow as a person and also make
sense of the world.
Are you really antisocial or do you just problems with people whose main
interest is to watch other sports and alcohol and other drugs? Maybe you
just need to find the right kind of friends who share the same hobbies and
Maybe you're just an introvert. Introverted and shy does not mean (I know a
lot of outgoing and extroverted introverts few quiet). Introvert is someone
who relaxes and battery recharging time alone, while an extrovert to be
active, public place around many people to relax.
More and more outgoing, whether or not your natural inclination is a
valuable skill. The most successful people I know, regardless of their
profession or intelligence, are those who are socially active and always
making connections. It's a good skill to have in general, and it certainly
contributes to meeting women.
3. Your messages are pieces of shit
Yo I'm not a woman, but your posts are pieces of shit and mean nothing. You
look like a fucking stupid despot and a day to get what's coming to you,
all you deserve I hope you get it.
Yo, I'm not a woman either. I hate bullies, and hope you find a way to find
happiness and meaning in your life. I'm pretty happy with my life so far,
and do what I can to better everyday. We can not all get what we deserve,
but we can all improve our lot in life. Cheers.
4. When your girlfriend needs to lose weight
I'm on a diet to lose weight and I am strength training. I would have
thought that my example would motivate girlfriend. How can I tell him to
cut the hips and legs?
The change other people is much, much more difficult than changing
yourself. First of all, congratulations on the formation of dieting and
strength. You should do it for you first, and the advantage of women's side
who appreciate it's just one more. Your girlfriend noticed or commented on
your changes? In this case, encourage, invite him to the gym with you and
try to cook healthy meals together.
Guys in relationships donation t like to hear, but maybe s time to find a
better girl than the one you currently have. Unless she's making progress
already, do not expect that you will be able to change it. Your current car
is better than your past self. You can get best girls you could yesterday.
The question is, do you?
5. South Korean writers are men little Dick
Wow this site is ridiculous with it s Articles of crap on Women NZ! ha, you
must be a boring bunch of men stupid egotistical back !! Piss in another
country if you don t like the women here, we don t need men like little
bite here !!
I've never been to New Zealand, but heard that it's worse than Australia,
which is scary. New Zealand is a great place to visit for the natural
beauty, health, safety and quality of life, and is indeed one of the best
countries in the first world to live, but the quality of the women you put
down properly then it can physically reduce the size of the penis. It's
true that my penis cowers whenever I am exposed to strong, bold,
aggressive, swearing, masculine women.
6. Message from Australian girl thanks
Thank you for creating return royalty. I read almost all items here
I appreciate the existence of the return of the community because Kings in
Australia, my home country, young people have no male (or female, for that
matter) models. reading content and comments on the pieces shown on the
return of kings exposed me to ideas and concepts censored by Australia's
education system, the government and society.
Before reading the articles here, I began to follow the strong feminist
influence. My mother spoke badly of my father was obese, and maintained a
poor house. She did not allow me to grow my hair long, I was overweight and
I almost never wore dresses.
My father, however, is a good man, hard work I respect, even though I
disagree with his decisions sometimes. He taught me about the feminist
propaganda in education and that I should have children and be a good
housewife, but with only 20% of custody after the divorce, his messages
have been weakened.
I read articles Kings Back to me by career class at school, where say you
want to raise children and be a happy man is despised by spinners without
children, 20 years after the wall. Play Back kings made me realize that I
had to live with my father on a full time basis to live a happier and
healthier life.
I chose to live with my father and have since lost 10% of my body weight,
my hair grew to 60 cm long, wear dresses most of the time, and I trained in
women's arts in preparation for my future.
Also, I have some questions I would like if you could spend the time to
1. In Australia, I am considered slim. Considering that you have been in
countries where women much better than Australia, do you think I should
lose weight? If so, roughly how much?
2. I save my virginity for marriage. How can I keep a boyfriend interested
for two years until I'm old enough to get married? (I am now less than 18
3. How can I reduce my chances of cheating boyfriend as much as possible? I
fear that if my boyfriend goes to college in the future, he will meet more
attractive women smarter than me and abandon me.
First of all, congratulations to your father to raise you with moral and
own ideals, that are not taught in Western schools or even most churches,
and congratulations to you to accept these principles and honor.
The lack of heroes is universal. We live in a time with some models or
heroes. In the past, there were models in many areas and # 8212; astronauts
like Neil Armstrong, John Glenn and Alan Shepherd were well known
ambassadors of science and exploration, many religious leaders could be
considered indicative and as a model for living (ie Fulton Sheen) and
sometimes there were even political leaders who have inspired and honored
their nation and its people (JFK).
Today, the list of influential people includes mainly rich members of the
elite class, most of whom are actively breaking our culture and morals
down. People like Mark Zuckerberg, degenerate musicians or corrupt
politicians (the rumors are soon Zuck public office).
Without models remain only ideas. It is important to realize that never in
the history of women were made equal & # 8221; men, and universally all
companies throughout the world achieved would have disastrous effects for
both men and women. We must seek and honor the wisdom of the past and build
on it in the future. Women should be honored and revered for their
femininity, that I love and desire as a man. They should not be masculine.
If you are a healthy weight, don t obsessed if a celebrity is prettier or
thinner than you. Exercise, eat well, which means preparing meals at home
with fresh products, and keep your body below the medically suggested
average for the size of your body, and you and your partner will be happy.
Guys your age are interested in sex, not the other things you're talking
here. Hold on. Do not worry about keeping them engaged in a long-term
relationship with you. Ask someone more, and they will tell you that the
things you care about adolescence, or even in your 20 years are rarely
important later. If you continue the way you are now, you will have no
problem finding a good man to marry in a few years. Don t try to keep a guy
interested now and marry later. You will find better men as you age, and
are exposed to more adult men. It is much easier to find a successful man,
moral, more when you are 20, that choosing a 16 you hope to be a good
husband when he grows up.
Again, if your boyfriend is also a teenager, he's probably interested in
sex. If you're not offering sex (and I fully support this decision), and it
will, it's not that you can do. University is a great time to be exposed to
a lot of guys, but think also meet some guy a few years older than you.
They will be looking for marriage, instead of a date of fun this Saturday
night, and appreciate the qualities that you develop. When I was in
college, I don t care about long hair, virginity, or the conservative
morality. I'm doing it now. Look for the guys that you offer, and don t try
to make your boyfriend teenager enjoy the things that he can not be
interested in.
I am very pleased that ROK motivates you and I'm curious how you found it,
but encourage you to also look for traditional female information like this
site focuses on men. But despite what feminists will tell you, we have your
best interest at heart, and ours. Women are less happy today with feminism
than in the old, terrible & # 8221 oppressive; past. Women and men are both
happier when they are in a committed relationship.
You probably feel better already you be slimmer and attractive female with
long hair and wearing dresses. Feed these natural feminine traits and you
will grow happier and attract the right man, patiently. Good luck!
That's it for this installment. If you want an answer to your question by
the ROK personnel, send it via our contact form.
Read more: life advice that all men Follow

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