Wednesday, September 13, 2017

How can I finally got to see the day Weight Loss Roller Coaster

In modern society, the biggest obstacle to overcome is the loss of weight
caused by years of inactivity and poor diet piss. After putting in a lot of
discipline and effort regarding eating right and hitting the gym, you will
reap the reward of a massively improved physics.
When you lose excess fat, you feel confident thanks to the increase
received positive attention from others. New clothes are bought for your
new display so physical that fat clothes are given in an attempt to shed
completely all memories extra pounds that were present in the mirror. After
a long diet period, strict control is loose and feel comfortable indulge
here and there.
A few months later, the new clothes get tight while the gym membership card
collects dust in a drawer. The lies we use to justify our complacency grow
in proportion to the size of our Reconstitute size. Before long, it's time
to go shopping clothes, this time for a size or two bigger because the only
pants that are more suitable sweat pants. The rationalizations are many,
but the reality is the fat returns. He slips and it is difficult to notice
until it is too late.
They didn t shrink in the dryer.
My story
I was that person twice. For reference, I am 6'2 (188 cm). I was at my
heaviest in high school, when I tipped the scales at 330 pounds (150 kg).
Tired of asking for walks, I started to walk around and inadvertently lost
70 pounds without making any substantial changes to the way I was eating
(Adolescence is it not great). From there, I lost another 40lbs and settled
in at 220 pounds.
A few years later, thanks to poor diet and inactivity generated by the use
of large marijuana and alcohol, I was back at 280lbs. I started exercising
and watching what I ate and fell back to 220. Again, after a few years, my
motivation went up in smoke as well as large amounts of marijuana and I was
using, I'm back to 290 . I had actually shoved in my face as many slices of
pizza and soda bottles I when I was engulfed in an electronics store and
did not recognize myself on the TV until I thought, "Wow, this guy is fat. "

I approached the age when my father was diagnosed with diabetes and looked
degrade the physical health of my relatives type 2 obesity. I knew I did
not want that kind of life. I stopped smoking weed at 25 and 26 (5 years
ago) I became serious about my approach to how I eat.
After studying various plans I switched to 170lbs over a year using the
South Beach diet. I will not bring down the regime where information is
readily available online, but I loved South Beach because after an initial
restrictive phase of two weeks, you are able to eat a variety of foods
without macro- avoided nutrients.
Here are some tips that have worked for my weight loss and ongoing
All responsibility is your own. The only person you cheat during the
self-improvement. Most people want you to fail, as it helps to strengthen
their conviction that it is not their fault they are fat. Learn to say no
to you. What you fat in the first place is always giving in to cravings.
Self-control is a pillar of the red pill and contrary to the "feelings muh"
mantra of the left.
Eliminate spontaneity planning each meal. The control must be maintained
and it is almost impossible to be in control when you do not have a plan. I
still have my breakfast prepared the night before work, if not a day or two
in advance.
Sometimes the sticker wisdom may be relevant.
Learn to love healthy food. Setting a broccoli book on your plate is not an
appetizing first effort, especially when you are used to a diet of burgers
and fries. It can become an acquired taste, like coffee and beer, but you
must acquire healthy tastes by the constant consumption.
Prioritize protein intake. This is important when losing weight than
adequate protein intake helps maintain lean body mass. Advice varies but I
want to shoot for one gram per pound of lean body mass. Not getting enough
protein in my weight loss was a mistake that can be easily avoided.
As an adult, what you eat and how you eat is 95% to lose weight and
maintain the loss. Unless you exercise at professional athletes you'll
never train a poor diet, especially once you got fat.
If I could go back, the only thing I would do different is to incorporate
strength training during weight loss, which is the other 5%. I became weak
and thin fat. After struggling to lift a 50-pound bag at work, I knew
something had to change. I started strength training using Stronglifts 5 &
# 215; 5 and I'm 195lbs.
I'm constantly lifting (heavy) three times a week while including some sort
of physical activity on my days off like walking my dog. My current project
is to get my body fat below 10% and I use the Leangains method of
intermittent fasting, I'm a big fan.
This should be part of your fitness repertoire.
What you are against
There is a myth perpetuated by many that weight loss increases metabolism.
This is far from true. As you weigh less, your body needs less energy to
move and your metabolism is lowered (thermodynamics simple, right?).
There are some other things in. When you gain fat, your body creates more
fat cells to store fat. As you lose weight, but the empty cells are not
destroyed. They remain, waiting to refill. This is one of the main reasons
why so many people easily regain the weight they lose and earn more. Some
studies indicate that up to 97% of people find their weight after dieting.
Another mechanism to fight against sustainable weight loss is that your
body starts to increase the production of a hormone known as lipoprotein
lipase you lose weight. This hormone helps to fill the fat cells that are
empty. You are basically at war with your body to maintain weight and the
fight will be there for the rest of your life.
It has been four years since I fell to the lowest weight and the key
takeaway I tell someone who listens is that once the weight is lost, it is
essential to maintain and build on the behaviors that allowed weight loss
for the rest of your life. You have to find what works best for you and I
strongly encourage you to avoid crash diets are not sustainable.
In other words, the key to winning the battle of the bulge say much more
often than to say yes to food indulgences. I love me occasionally and I
built my current diet with food that I love, but I'm consistent with 99% of
the time. Any departure is planned and considered. Unfortunately, most
people do not have the determination and will to digest this information
and surf the loss rollercoaster weight until they give up and start
promoting the acceptance of fat as is the case with most women.
Read more: Top 3 Fat Loss Mistakes Guys Make

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