Saturday, April 29, 2017

A divine culture is our only hope for the future

* The following article has been sponsored by the publisher Expandourmind *

In Part 2, we showed the satanic origins of our modern Western leaders and
We turn now to the practical implementation of their ideas.

* In 1946, a document entitled "Rules for the communist revolutionaries" was
published in the United States. * In the document there are ten rules
described how
to overthrow the Western society and turn people basically like beast
controversial and materialistic humans who are obsessed with futile desires
such as sports and pornography. The goal is to make them despise their own
leaders and implement the communist dictatorship as fast as possible while
preach democracy to the masses. Sign up and confiscated all weapons
their. The real goal of Marxists was always running vertically,
traditional men villains who have no idea about human life.

*Evolution? * Humans Become Enslaved Robots

* Communist Rules for Revolution *

1. Corrupt the young, keep them away from religion. interest
sex. Make them superficial. Destroy their ruggedness.
2. Take control of all means of advertising.
3. Get minds off their government by focusing their attention
on athletics, sexy books and other trivia.
4. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping
controversial issues irrelevant.
5. Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding the
one to scorn, ridicule and slander.
6. Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and
ruthlessly as possible.
7. Encouraging the extravagance of government, destroy its credit and
produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
8. Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil
disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude of the government
to such disorders.
9. specious argument cause the detail of old moral virtues,
honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.
10. Because the registration of all firearms on some pretext, to
for confiscating them and leaving no population defense.

* By taking just a quick glance to the communist rules above, we know how
leaders abusing Popular modern minds and we also know that their plan
. Successful watching today's society * Only the last step remains: enter
dictatorial power and implement a global theocracy where our hidden rulers
want to be worshiped as gods absolute - as Lucifer the devil did in
the Bible.
* Dalai Lama over the Jews - Our Rulers world * Spill Beans

* Jews and Muslims want to "Buddhist" Dalai Lama as a world leader -
After 2006 *

In 2006, Jerusalem Post published an article about putting Dalai Lama as
world leader of all religions sit in Jerusalem - the section of the
Prophesied Antichrist. According MSM Tibet is a place full of
benevolent spiritual people who suffer from the Chinese Communist evil
Party (CCP).

* Is there another story? Why Westerners were the first who introduced
Tibetan Lamaism west Satanists? * How could the Dalai Lama have an opening
door to all Western leaders for 50 years, while the challenged rule
a microscopic population of 6 million Tibetans in China? Why is he
* called "God-King" * or * "His Holiness" by the Marxist * MSM? After
Research Dalai Lama and Tibet's history, we see Asian origins
Luciferian conspiracy against humanity clearly. * The final goal is that
our state officials want to be worshiped as living gods, just as Lucifer
did in the Bible. *

* Speaking of false news and MSM conflict between Tibet and the CCP us
read a quote of Mao Zedong in 1954 and immediately understand his puppet

Dalai Lama is a living Buddha. He is a living God. He was not elected by
the people ... They believe in the Dalai Lama and his local chef more
they believe in us. You can not shake the position ...

* To see the image in the West, we first note that President FD Roosevelt
sent a Rolex in 1942 at the peak of World War II to the former Dalai Lama
seven years -
at a time when Tibet was no conflict with China *. Then we read in German
General Ludendorff who said in 1930 that the Tibetan lamas had *
at the head in place of all Jews and Christians secrets
companies. ( "Den Asiatenpriestern Europa" - "Europe belongs to Asia
priests "). *

* Soviet Army Swastika symbol After the Bolsheviks took power *

* It may sound unbelievable after seeing MSM for decades, but you
find that llamas cooperated closely with the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, the
Catholics and secret societies in the West. * Llamas had an infamous
reputation as master sorcerers who caught the wicked of the
Where is.

Tibet Information: Tibet - The Hidden History of the 20th Century World

* Tibetan Serfs * Begging

* The old Tibetan feudal serf society is the real model of the NWO
Nazis and Bolsheviks worshiped. * A society where 95% of people have no
and whether it is an absolute despot both temporal and spiritual
Questions. Theodor Illion, a German researcher who traveled disguised in
top secret underground city (and survived) in Tibet said in the 1930s:

* "... llamas are more dangerous than all the hot and cold hells put

* A spiritual practice is the first enemy of the CPC *

* China (Zhongguo) means "center of the world" in Chinese. * The CCP
the spiritual practice of Falun Gong their main enemy in 1999. Falun Gong
quickly spread to 100 million Chinese in the 1990 Chinese leader
Jiang Zemin became jealous of Falun Gong and wanted to wipe three
month. Falun Gong was illegally banned and persecuted in China
Since 1999 with the removal of large mass-scale organ being perhaps the most
heinous crime ever heard. Despite the intense persecution for nearly 18
years Falun Gong has spread around the world in over 100 countries and
it feeds yet secretly in China.

* Religions have been a challenge for Marxists in modern times because they
are easy to infiltrate and destroy from within. * Falun Gong only
Master, no membership, no money, no priests, all the information online
free and it supports the traditional culture. Focus on Falun Gong
improving the mind and one's body in daily life following the principles of
* "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance"
* In addition to physical exercises. This kind of faith is impossible
iS to control and a nightmare for the Marxists. It never happened
something similar to such a wide distribution throughout the world in a
* Shen Yun - Traditional Dance Company Around The World was persecuted by

* Traditional Chinese Shen Yun dancers express Femininity (
* *)

We saw the dark and now we wait with hope. The real hope is
new divinely inspired, traditional and beautiful culture, which is the only
something that can make caring people, human and happy again. If there is
evil was complete and deception of the world for at least 100 years
there must be time for a change soon because nature changes cyclically.

* We found a divinely inspired dance troupe that scares spirits
the CCP. * Shen Yun called one way * and Shen means divine and represents
the myriad of divine figures in Chinese history. Yun means and rhytm and
any working spread from one person. Shen Yun means divine beauty *
beings dancing in heaven. That's something that never was
displayed before. *

* Shen Yun presentation: ** Shen Yun Trailer (Youtube 30 seconds) *

* Shen Yun has become the largest classical Chinese dance company in
world tour 150 cities each year with five dance companies and
selling their shows in most places. * Since its inception, the CCP
done everything in its power to stop the Shen Yun including
threatening theater directors worldwide, slashing car tires
bus, sending deputies to the threatening letters and to put pressure on
departments etc. a global persecution in a manner in many democratic
This year they slander Shen Yun with advertorials in major MSM outlets such
as the Washington Post, The Age, The Telegraph, etc. This is a unique case
of a
world power attacking a troop of American dance. * This shows us that God
Culture is what Marxists fear most of all and that China does everything
he wants worldwide. *
* Why Shen Yun scares PCC *

* The real beauty, positive, human inside and out - a mortal danger to the
Marxist *

The first reason is that Shen Yun was founded by the US-China Falun
Gong practitioners. The same people they imprison China
spreading traditional culture west through dance and music.

The second reason is that Shen Yun seeks to revive the brilliant
divinely inspired ancient Chinese culture of 5,000 years with its different
Dynasties, legends, religions and traditions covering all of China. the
women artists express femininity and true beauty in the movements and
while males are powerful and masculine. The CCP has distorted
all of the traditional Chinese culture and turned it into a dark,
dark Marxist version of the human struggle with our neighbor, nature and
the gods.

People across the world are hungry for spiritual food, inspiration and
fine traditional culture. They will see Shen Yun because they get a
unique blend of divinely inspired culture, hope, spirituality and beauty.
Shen Yun comes with a message that human beings are fundamentally divine
beings who have descended on earth with the hope of good things before
return to their divine realm. The company reached its bottom and is
when God must intervene and help the right people. This message is
Indeed powerful, including, beautiful and iS a message people will not do
heard in other dance shows.

Part 4: Dr. Day showed our science forged in 1969. We study
Marxist goal and fraud of the theory of evolution. Finally a few words
Marxist prophecies about our time and predestined the unknown, but
and cataclysmic magical year of 2017. Finally real men will receive their
chance to fight the battle of all ages against the evil forces trying to
enslave them.

*Annex: *

Dalai Lama meets Rabbis and Imams

Magic as a political instrument

Dalai Lama - Antichrist Prophecies Christan and Buddhist

Oracles and Demons of Tibet

Fearing Shen Yun does what?

Shen Yun Trailers (30 seconds)

* Advertise your product or site on the return of kings *

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