Thursday, November 9, 2017

The media establishment Hires soy boys to help spread their anti-Men Agenda

The Try Guys & # 8221; to BuzzFeed, or Trump brand it, that pile of garbage
& # 8221; has drawn more of their idiotic click bait videos where they
visited a laboratory to determine which of them was scientifically the most
attractive. One of the tests involved a testosterone reading level. As we
reported earlier, the man-child's quartet showed testosterone levels,
comparable to older men. They tried to downplay, but the red pill crowd
smelt blood and went for the throat.

They flaunt what should be shamed

Here is the link to Hooktube the original video (it allows you to observe
their faults without financing by Youtube views). He brings additional
living proof that epicentres of liberal values ​​and left-leaning as
BuzzFeed turn men into wimps if exposed long enough for their toxic
leftist values, websites, writers and their audiences have (supposedly)
male attributes but are closer to homosexuals and women as men. Left means
low T, it is that simple.
Latest news: The Liberals are lower
These xirs specialize in short, sassy videos with bright colors, simple
words, a lot of swearing and comical sound effects. He reveals a serious
problem where the & # 8221 new; plastered on all the social media streams
for a young, gullible shape their opinion into thinking that these
abortions are sane, normal people.
The guys always try to behave like homosexuals, are paid to get their
fingers rectum slip dress stink of weakness and lack of confidence.

I have written in the past that the leftists are repulsive. We now have
confirmation that, in addition to being the world s ideology rejects the
politics of left trend and lead a life according to its weakest principles
on men turn the long term.
Testify low T liberal manlets as BuzzFeed crew, their mannerisms effeminate
and acute wheezing triggers two types of reaction:

Disgust, indifference and rejection of female women
Disbelief, contempt and hostility violent border men male

The wolves carry their fangs in the same way prior to bully his
subordinates rivals
This is the passive, beta Homo progressivus creates Liberalism and the
Kabala decision can control easily.
Reading their faces was enough

This is not how adult men's chins, lines of the jaw and facial structures
should look like. These sweet faces are swollen, the physical evidence of
past life guzzling soft drinks, processed foods and gorging Frankenmeat. A
life video game, unsecured Facebook posts at three in the morning and the
sexual loneliness.

Above are the high testosterone faces of men who can fight and get women.
Square edged jaws, cheekbones and lean faces, with a low body fat. Reader,
this is how your facial features should look.
9 easy ways to be the opposite of these soyboys
 Poz Feelz and enrichment: The Show
I advise you not to look at more than a minute of their clips. I wanted to
sock them all in the neck to put them out of their misery. I recently
stopped watching the clips I know my temper. If the problem (like the
plague ideologies leaning left) is already clearly known, no point exposing
yourself further. Find ways to eradicate it is more productive. Here's how:

Practice the sport of intense competition: the key is that they should put
you in a situation where that fight or flight feeling tense is common,
triggered by external aggression, pain or danger. Choose specific team
sports such as rugby, hockey and American football, or individual sports
such as martial arts (including full-contact, regular sparring, the real
risk of being eliminated or strength grappling), climbing , big game
hunting, etc.
Avoid eating these: processed foods, licorice, soy products, flax, prepared
foods in plastic containers, beer, raffinated sugar, etc.
Reduce cigarettes, marijuana and alcohol.
Get plenty of sleep, the quality: Stop using a device with a screen one
hour before bedtime. Make a quiet activity, read or meditate before. Lie in
total darkness. Read more about it here.
Eat foods that triggers testosterone production: red meat (in moderation),
pork, eggs, fish, game, poultry, veal, fat, nuts, cruciferous vegetables
and drink plenty of water.
Women of the game: approach and sleep with beautiful girls will increase
your testosterone.
Lift and often heavy. Use the compound lifts.
Stop masturbating and remove porn from your life.
Get lots of natural sunlight and vitamin D.

We will have them to wear
Return Of Kings has published detailed articles on how to increase your
testosterone levels, to avoid what demeans and problems related to this

Testosterone 5 tips to attract women and pump up your sex life
The decrease in testosterone destroyed the basis of Masculinity
What is the lack of testosterone in the male brain and how to fix it
5 ways to boost your testosterone
5 simple ways to increase your testosterone
4 common items that are destroying your testosterone levels
6 Steps A man passes by his testosterone level declines when

Holes in the narrative as the reading of testosterone should be exploited
to their fullest. Be a man, be right and be proud. The stone cold reality
blade should pierce the heart of inlaid liberal estrogen. This is the only
language they understand.
Read more: Why Cortisol MAKES fat men, weak and effeminate

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