Thursday, November 9, 2017

5 Ways Millennial men can save the West

Each generation of the defining features in which they see the world and
the role they played (or play) in the theater of ideas that wrote our
First, we have the largest generation that grew up during the deprivation
of the Great Depression, and continued to fight and destroy fascist outside
government control during WW2. Then at the end of the day, they came home
and built America into an economic power.

We then had the generation of baby boomers that was the result of the
greatest generation comes home from the war, construction companies, and
pick a woman to start a family with. These children grew up in the world
patriotic, conservative, chauvinist and the Patriarchs of the greatest
generation created.
When the 1960's rolled around, Jewish intellectuals of the Frankfurt School
decided to rotate away from the ideology of the bourgeoisie against the
proletariat and adopt a new way to sell Marxism in the West. If identity
politics were born. It is the rich against the poor, the rich against the
poor, capitalism against communism.

Hippies began to spread this anti-capitalist, anti-Western ideology in
popular culture through music and the arts. In the late 1960 s often, baby
boomers have successfully swung the pendulum the other direction of
American pride postwar of their fathers.
Generation X was born during this post-modernist pop culture today, Marxist
thought. Since the hippies were now having children of their own, they
could be molded to the idealistic image progressivism they saw in their
ideology. They raised their children to criticize the West, and have a
distrust of the institutions of their grandfathers had built. These
children had no reason to object, because they grew up in a period of
relative economic ease and were still riding the wave of post-WW2 America
built by their grandfathers. They had a two-way long. The millennial
generation, whose birth was just around the corner, were about to inherit a
damaged if the West that many have said it would be impossible to recover.
What goes up, & # 8230;
The national debt began to increase in the late 90 s & # 2000 beginning
8217; s. Terrorism has become a real threat after September 11, 2001. The
liberal policies have caused the greatest economic disaster since the Great
Depression when the housing bubble burst in 2008. Since then, the national
debt continued to skyrocket, the illegal immigrants began swarming and
wages are stagnating.
Companies under the stranglehold of high taxes, intrusive bureaucracy and
paperwork are beginning to close. Factories are the seas in search of
cheaper labor as a result of poorly negotiated trade agreements that saw
American nationalism taking a back seat. Even if we suffer worse each was
the year our parents' incessant liberalism continued to try to solve a
problem by throwing more money at it. The answer was always the government
more control.
The against-culture of the 1960s s had become the dominant culture, and
quickly destroyed all that the greatest generation had built. What our
parents were not the background and experience that their grandparents had.
Their grandparents knew that Western civilization was superior and should
be protected, but their children are taken for granted and unknowingly
allowed the dominoes begin to fall.

We inherited a broken West. Communism knocking at our door again, the
cultural Marxism has infiltrated the roots of our educational institutions,
resentment for capitalism grows, and the left has taken its policy of
post-modern identity to the extreme. The salt in the wound is that the only
ones who can save the West, men of the millennium, have been emasculated by
feminism and lose themselves in an identity crisis.
The good news is there is a cure. The damage is serious, but we are not
beyond the point of no return. Even faced with what seems to be
insurmountable adversity, anger is always more useful than despair. Here
are five ways we can turn things around before we fully sail edge.
1. Recognize that the West is best
The Western World is the largest human civilization has ever seen. Our
culture is not only different from other cultures, it is higher. As
millenarian men, we handed the reins to achieving the pinnacle of the human
race. Thousands of years of trial and error led to this point, but in the
war of ideas, we can not be complacent. It starts with recognizing exactly
what we have inherited, and with the intellectual and historical context to
understand its value. Nowhere else in the world is there the possibility,
freedom, life expectancy, productivity, progress or industrious there in
the West. We must protect it.
There is a war of ideas occurring as we speak, and egalitarian idealists on
the left trying to develop a philosophy that believes that the West is
somehow the enemy by spreading lies like the West is destroying the planet
with our pollution & # 8221;, we oppress minorities by capitalism & # 8221;
and patriarchy itself is an evil that must be destroyed & # 8221;. We must
reject this destructive philosophy of destruction and bring the Western
patriotism and pride back. When our peers spit on the culture that our
ancestors created, we must spit and remind them that all they enjoy today
is the result of Western beliefs and Western philosophies in action.
2. Reject egalitarianism
Some recognize that the West is the best appreciates the great lie of
egalitarianism. All cultures are not equal, all philosophies are not equal,
and not all are equal. To suggest otherwise is to keep digging our own
grave. Western ideals have provided humanity with the vessel to accomplish
the impossible, to bring order to chaos, and to provide for our advancement
as any other company on earth.
The great lie of egalitarianism assumes that all peoples, cultures and
ideologies are equal and interchangeable. Egalitarianism suggests that the
West is not the best, but is only different from other companies. The side
effect of egalitarianism is that we have nothing to protect, nothing to
pursue, and no greater goal. If we are all equal anyway, why strive for
If you are looking for chaos and pain, not further than the Third World
non-Western countries, or anti-Western values ​​throughout history. Of
tribal warfare in Africa to Islamic slaughter in the Middle East or the
mass genocide of communism, the alternative to Western civilization is ugly
and barbaric.

3. Know your enemy
What we know're against. Cultural Marxism research, nihilistic and evil
doctrine of post-modernism, and bloodshed communism. Gain some perspective
by looking through time and learning how companies up and down. The glass
looking cloudy and stained default without education, so we have to wipe it
with a study and insight as we have time on our side.
History is the world s most effective teacher. The ignorance of the natural
laws of chaos and order are not excuses to repeat past mistakes repeatedly.
Hell was once defined as a place where there is no reason, and if we don t
have the perspective or understanding in the war of ideas, we exist in a
state of hell. Why the West is the best, and who the enemy will be better
equipped to fight and win.
4. Speak Freely
Freedom of expression is unlimited freedom of ideas. It allows your mind to
flow, not impose restrictions on the dissemination of ideas. Freedom of
expression is the foundation that the West is built. History is littered
oppressive regimes attempting to cancel the freedom of expression so that
they can stay in power. evil ideologies can not prevail unless the truth is
Make sure that the truth is always visible and freely speak your mind.
That's why Jesus said, is not light a lamp and puts it in a place where it
will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that
those who enter may see the light & # 8221. He was referring to the
importance of truth.
Learn to debate, and how to persuade others of your position. The word is
your sword in the war of ideas, and if we want to win, we must keep strong.
Always be looking for the truth, especially if it hurts. Truth doesn t
exist to please, there to light our way through the chaos of life.
Political correctness, as we all know, is to cancel the freedom of
expression in favor of the doctrine of the left.
However, we must pay particular attention to definitions. Since the left
can not defy human nature to suppress freedom of expression, they are now
trying to hack and definitions crop according to their movement. In this
way, the speech may continue, but it can serve their purpose. They
redefined words like racist, radical and conservative socialism means what
suits them. Radical used to refer to an extreme ideology. Now, it means
everything doesn t tow the postmodernist line.
5. Start a business
Going to work for yourself and produce. Create jobs and create wealth.
Enterprise is the engine that keeps the Western movement of the vehicle.
Men are designed to produce items of value, and improve the lives of
others. If we aren t manufacture, we are dying. That's why we live in an
identity crisis of epidemic, drug use, and absent fathers. When one has no
reason to exist, by default we lose our lives.
Wealth creates the means for positive change, and puts the reigns of the
West on the open market & # 8211; the hands of the people. If you want to
live a meaningful life and a lasting impact on Western society, you need to
generate sufficient wealth to do it. One doesn t poverty of life only
change to short with what you might have been, but that everyone would have
received your company could have been. The gift entrepreneurs t feed their
own families and # 8211; they also create the means by which others can
feed their families.

The largest generation
The solution to our crisis of identity that millenarian men recognize our
purpose as a generation. We may not be the greatest generation, but we
could prove the greatest generation. The fate of the West could be in our
hands. We're really about to come of age and take the wheel of Western
civilization, it is ours if we continue to lead the cliff of chaos, or turn
back to human greatness.
We must consider our children and our children's children. Will they grow
up in a culture of lost values, big brother, and nihilistic malevolence? Or
will they grow in the land of opportunity, freedom and truth. Hard times
breed strong men and strong men reproduce both easy. easy time low breed
men, and weak men reproduce difficult times. Knowing this feedback loop is
half the battle, and stop poisoning the future is something that we have to
Read more: Patriarchal Nationalism: The Only Societal system that can save
the West

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