Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How Hurts immigration immigrants

Each year, thousands of people leave their Third World countries in the
hope of living in the first world. Some do it illegally cross borders
without the consent of nations, they re migration. Others do it through the
appropriate legal channels, intending one day to become citizens. Much has
been said about the negative effects of any type of immigration to the
local population. What doesn t get said, however, many, is how immigration
ends up hurting immigrants.
A first batch: qualified immigrants who work hard

Wikipedia defines the Third World developing countries of Europe, Asia,
Latin America and Africa & # 8221;. These countries still have a hope of
lower life, higher crime rates, higher infant mortality and a host of other
problems. Not wanting to deal with these problems, many leave for more
developed countries. Although the reasons for his departure are
understandable, many do not see that they'll be just a negotiating issue
for another.
The first waves of Third World immigrants are generally average or more
class who can afford private schools at home and the necessary resources to
the university and the residence for their children in the first world. Be
the first to leave their country, they also have more tolerance and
ambition risk that most of their compatriots. These are people you'd expect
to return to their country of origin to start-up businesses, stimulate
research, or even run for office. The potential that could be spent on
developing their country of origin if shipped abroad instead.
People with resources, drive and talent to succeed in their field leaving
the country who need it most. So instead of getting entrepreneurs,
researchers and agents of change in the Third World, you get more people
competing to always fall in employment in the first world. Developing
countries miss their chance to develop properly, which makes them more
long-term poor. And because these countries continue to deteriorate, more
people continue to leave, leading to a national death spiral.
Second prize: unskilled immigrants if

Qualified, skilled immigrants can succeed in their new countries and
benefit the economy. Their arrival, however, is usually followed by other
waves of immigrants who aren t just as valuable. We're speaking newcomers
who become leeches on the welfare state. So all the work of the first batch
of migrants are doing is negated by their less productive compatriots after
the second batch.
But harm the economic ISN t the only export of low-skilled migrants. As has
been said many times already, they bring with them a wealth of cultural
problems: increased crime rates, reduced social cohesion, etc. The same
problems that have skilled immigrants leave their countries are brought to
their new country.
cultural dilution

Almost every time an immigrant. S of a certain age will have difficulty in
shape to even those who come with the intention to embrace their new
culture never quite do. A culture's customs and traditions to become a part
of their people. This is especially true outside of the West, because these
countries are allowed to feel proud of their homeland.
Elites use this cultural pride as a weapon against the local majority,
making minorities in an almost protected class. Again, it was already well
covered on this site. One point that doesn t get it done, however, is that
this protection status will last as long as the elites need. Once the local
majority becomes a minority, the new majority will become focused.
cultures of the Third World, for most, the value of the traditional family.
The father provides, the mother takes care of the home, children are raised
in the values ​​of their parents. If progressives really means clear the
family and reduce population, these crops can t be left alone, lest they
restore the natural order.
One by one, all cultures will be eroded in the dominant western culture, so
that everyone can become a mindless consumer. This is already done for the
Third World through the American media by encouraging careerism among
women, the normalizing abortion and attacking religion. You d be surprised
how many people in Latin America, for example, buy already in leftist
Everyone is happier at home

Most people would be happy to continue living in their native culture. The
integration in different societies is a difficult process that's never
finished. No matter how protected & # 8221; or & # 8221 special; minorities
are considered to be the elite, they'll never fully integrated. Instead,
they'll just habit to considered an obstacle.
Of course, staying in a country is often easier said than done. For people
in failed states like Venezuela and war in countries like Syria, asks them
to stay sounds silly. Why should not they seek to improve their position?
Why should they take care of what is happening in their country? Leaving
home for greener pastures is a personal choice, and you can not really
force anyone to stay. While I don t claim to have an easy solution, the
alternative doesn t seem good either.
Learn more: The SKIPPED immigrants work to support immigration was troubled
when following Fired

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