Thursday, February 6, 2025

Maladaptive Daydreaming

I cant even watch Den of Thieves 2 without having to restart it. This will be the 4th time trying to watch the first 10 minutes. Over and over and over again. I miss everything. No matter how hard I try to pay attention to what is going on I get lost in yet another daydream. And have to start the whole movie over becauae i disnt notice Any of it. I think there is a car, a woman, and ice cube's kid. She is wearing red I think. That is all i got!!!! The daydreaming never ends. It is amazing i can get this out. What i wouldnt so for a pill that quashes my imagination ... just long enough to function. Or at least consume a movie/tv/video/audio/reading. Right now i am just a series of imaginings. None of my reality is real.

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