Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Birthday presents decision paralysis

My Fathers birthday is coming up. The pressure is always on, and he is mostly unpleasable. I like the idea of cooking something because I HATE restaurants. I hate everything about them, the food, the business model, the having to sit while strangers serve you against your will and then ask for money like bums that wask your windshield at a stoplight with a dirty rag and then ask for money. Sad. I feel for them but I'd rather not participate in that nonsense. The food is ALWAYS flavor first - health last (and never that good even in a michelin star restaurant). No info on macros in the menu. I could go on. Why do I care, I am always afraid that my parents may die any day and I will regret not doing something special. Stupid I know. Especially since I know theyre not very "pleasable" in the first place.Everyone kisses my father's ass relentlessly, he has no idea on how not to feel fussy and spoiled. Poor guy. But anyway, I am the one putting this pressure on myself. Fear. Obligation. Guilt. Sucks. I feel like I am cheating if I dont do a restaurant because I will save A LOT of money. Seriously we are talking like $20 vs. $100 or more (for a situation where he will complain and send everything back anyway). He is also old and will not remember what I did for him, so clearly I am doing all of this for me and not him. The events on his birthday will jusy disappear into the ether of wherever his other memories disappear to. Then there is my birthday. The family wants to do something special and i feel the pressure to do something special put of fear of feeling like a loser if I dont. See the FOMO pattern here? Fear. Obligation. Guilt. What a mess the human mind is. Default Mode Network? Why do I even care?

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